campus visit feb unairCampus Visit is an activity held by the Relations Department of BEM FEB Universitas Airlangga to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and build relationships with organizations at other universities. Apart from that, visits to BEM other universities aim to conduct comparative studies and share experiences regarding work programs, both at home and abroad. This activity was carried out during one period of management of BEM FEB Universitas Airlangga , including through online sessions via Zoom Meeting and offline.

The Campus Visit agenda also contributes to realizing the SDGs by the United Nations (UN), especially Goal 17: Partnership to achieve the goals. This is achieved through collaboration between the two communities with discussions and exchange of insights regarding the organizational management structure and development of student resources. The main goal is to create better reference material for benchmarking in the organizational field. It is hoped that both parties will gain useful insight and knowledge in organizational matters. Not only that, it is hoped that after the Campus Visit is carried out, a good relationship will be established between both parties and can lead to collaboration from both parties.