media partner feb unairMedia Partner is a work program from the Department of External Relations of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga which aims to provide publication facilities to student organizations operating under the auspices of the Faculty of Business Economics. Media Partners who enter into an agreement will later assist student organizations in supporting the excitement and introducing unique and new events organized by ORMAWA. All student organizations registered and operating under the faculty of economics and business can take advantage of media partner facilities.

Media Partner implementation begins by submitting an agreement to prospective media partners regarding promotional requests regarding events that will later be held by ORMAWA, and also as data collection for them later so that it is scheduled and the media partner can carry it out. The media used by the Student Executive Board in carrying out this collaboration is through the official Instagram and Line accounts. The Student Executive Board will also appoint a person responsible for supervising the progress of the collaboration and also to ensure that the collaboration is effective, optimal and on target. Implementation of this agenda will be carried out during one BEM FEB 2024 management period, namely until 31 December 2024.

In its implementation, the implementation of media partners supports one of the SDGs 17 agendas, namely Partnership to achieve goals. Media Partners opens up opportunities to collaborate with anyone as long as they can reach an agreement which of course has the potential to increase profits. Thus, working together with various parties, such as the government, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and civil society, can help increase public awareness, encourage public participation and build multi-stakeholder engagement. This is in line with one of the SDGS targets, namely encouraging public-private cooperation and partnerships with civil society.