open donations feb unairFEBerbakti is a routine agenda organized by the Department of Community Service BEM FEB UNAIR which has two series of activities, namely SERBUNG (One Hundred Packs) and DONDAR (Blood Donation). This event has an important role in supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 17, namely "Partnerships to Achieve Goals."

SERBUNG is a concrete effort to overcome hunger by distributing food to those in need. Not only people outside the campus, but students and the campus community (security guards, cleaners, parking guards, etc.) are also targets for implementing SERBUNG.
Blood donation is a noble act that can save other people's lives. One bag of blood can help 3-4 people in need. On the other hand, sharing rice can help ease the burden on underprivileged people, especially in the midst of a difficult economic situation.
This activity is in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDGS) number 17, namely Partnership for Sustainable Goals. By collaborating and uniting, we can achieve common goals to improve community welfare.

Thus, FEBerbakti is not only a social action, but also a concrete step towards achieving SDGs number 17, which aims to end hunger and good health and prosperity for all ages in the UNAIR area.