up grading bem febIn order to fulfill expertise in the organizational field, we, the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (BEM FEB UNAIR) are holding Upgrading activities which will be facilitated by the Student Resource Development Department. Through this activity, it is hoped that all functionaries for the 2024 period will be able to apply the operating standards of the BEM FEB UNAIR organization and can become a forum for strengthening relationships between functionaries.

The implementation of this Upgrading also supports the realization of SDGs Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, namely that through training and developing organizational skills, student functionaries can become more competent in the organizational field. Upgrading is also a forum for providing training aimed at improving members' skills in terms of leadership, management, effective communication and other skills relevant to the world of work. This can increase their chances of getting a decent job in the future or even prepare them to become successful entrepreneurs.

Based on the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, the work program of the BEM FEB Student Resource Development Bureau, the results of the 2024 BEM FEB UNAIR management deliberations. We held "Upgrading" with the aim of equipping the management and new members of BEM FEB UNAIR about organization, as an opportunity to introduce the BEM FEB management UNAIR 2024, as well as forming the characters needed to run an organization.

The target of this activity is all BEM FEB UNAIR functionaries for the 2024 period. It will be held for 2 days, namely on March 9 and 10 2024 at Villa Puncak Trawas, Kemiloko, Trawas, Mojokerto. In the implementation of "Upgrading" there are 4 materials presented. The indicator of the success of this "Upgrading" is that there were 150 participants involved. Apart from that, the event ran smoothly and only took place one day. As well as appropriate budget funds and even a surplus which will later be allocated to other PSDM Department work programs.