we care feb unair 2023

Kita Cares is a work program organized by the Community Service Department of BEM FEB UNAIR. This activity aims to increase awareness and concern regarding humanitarian issues, especially for FEB UNAIR residents and the general public. This year, Kita Peduli raised the theme "Unity in Diversity" which was motivated by society's negative skepticism towards people who have special needs. This work program is a real example of how students can play a role in supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through various humanitarian actions.


Kita Peduli consists of pre-events and main-events which not only reflect the spirit of care, but also contribute to achieving several key SDGs. The Kita Peduli pre-event implementation is divided into three activities. Pre-event 1 is a social service activity which will be held on August 25 2023 in collaboration with the Y-AMI Foundation for Children with Special Needs. Pre-event 2 was in the form of "Sunyi Class", namely a sign language class held in the FEB Unair Hall and attended by FEB students on September 13 2023. Pre-event 3 was in the form of a podcast with the TIBA Surabaya community which went through the recording process on September 23 2023 . Three pre-event implementations of the "We Care" program are the first steps that are very relevant to SDGs number 4, namely "Quality Education. Students not only provide emotional and educational support to those in need, but also promote social inclusion and access to education for all. Apart from that, the existence of podcasts is an example of how technology and media can be used to support SDGs number 10, which focuses on reducing inequality in society.  


The highlight of the "We Care" event in the form of a charity concert and painting workshop is a moment that reflects SDGs number 1 and 10. This main event focuses on collecting donations which will be distributed to related communities, helping to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality through real action. Thus, the "We Care" program is an example of how campus organizations can integrate human values ​​into their activities and concretely support various aspects of the SDGs which aim to create a more inclusive, just and sustainable world.