Art Show and Exhibition is an art competition held by the Arts and Sports Department of BEM FEB Unair 2023. This year, ASE carries the theme Synchronize. The background to the choice of this theme was the synergy to collaborate with each other amidst the diversity of differences. With collaboration, a masterpiece will be created from all the diversity that exists through the Art Show and Exhibition program.  


The series of ASE events consists of the Ecotunes (Vocal) competition, Economic Band Festival (Band), CreArtive (Makeup art, photography, digital posters). Followed by Makrab FEB UNAIR which is an event that brings together students from 4 departments at FEB UNAIR.


Through this activity, ASE provides a platform for FEB UNAIR students to channel their interests and talents in the field of art, support the development of creativity, and promote arts education. (SDG 4: Quality Education). The theme "Synchronize" opens up opportunities for students from various departments at FEB UNAIR to participate, create an equal space and support inclusivity, thereby contributing to reducing inequality. (SDG 10: Reducing Inequality)


Apart from that, holding social gatherings reflects the value of synergy and collaboration between the four departments. This creates partnerships and cooperation between students from various backgrounds, supporting sustainable development goals. (SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals). With this, ASE encourages the values ​​of collaboration, inclusivity and creativity in accordance with the SDGs principles. This event is not only an art forum but also promotes the values ​​of sustainable development in the campus environment.