Friday, October 10, 2022
BEM Faculty of Economics and Business UNAIR on Friday, 14 October 2022 received a visit or welcome visit from the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) Universitas Brawijaya, facilitated by the Department of External Relations BEM FEB UNAIR and BEM FILKOM UB. This activity was carried out face to face in Tirto Hall, campus B UNAIR which was attended by 50 participants from BEM FEB UNAIR and BEM FILKOM UB. The purpose of this visit is to exchange insights regarding work program knowledge and innovation, as well as establishing friendship and cooperation through presentation sessions from each BEM from each department or bureau.
The welcome visit event started at 18.20 WIB by the MCs, Zara from BEM FEB UNAIR and also Gilang from BEM FILKOM UB who guided from the start of the event to the end. The series of events began with an opening from the MC and continued with remarks from Vania Safira as President of BEM FEB UNAIR and Dandy Ramadhany as President of BEM FILKOM UB. The next event was the presentation of BEM FEB UNAIR material by the President and Vice President of BEM as well as representatives from each Bureau and Department, then continued with the presentation of material by the President and Vice President of BEM FILKOM UB.
The event continued with a question and answer session which lasted 25 minutes. After the question and answer session was over, the attendees were directed to fill in the CSI welcome visit form provided by the External Relations Department of BEM FEB UNAIR and also attendance for BEM FILKOM UB.
The event ended with a certificate giving session from BEM FEB UNAIR to BEM FILKOM UB as a form of appreciation represented by Vania Safira. Finally, the entire series of welcome visit events from BEM FEB UNAIR and BEM FILKOM UB closed with a closing by the MC and a group photo at 20.00 WIB.