On May 28 2022, last Saturday to be precise, the first study to company was carried out this year. Study to company itself is a work program of the external relations department with the aim of providing information to FEB students regarding the world of work with related agencies. This study to company invited the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia to share information with the theme "Maintaining Inflation for Currency Stability" which was packaged in an attractive manner.

This study to company was attended by 108 FEB UNAIR student participants and opened by Amalia Malinda as Master of Ceremony (MC) and moderator who led the event. The series of events began with an opening by the MC, then a speech from the person in charge of the event, namely Bintang Toto, then a speech by the President of BEM FEB UNAIR, namely Vania Safira, which was then continued with material given by Raditiyo Harya Pamungkas as a representative from the relevant agency. After the material session, the event continued with a question and answer session conducted by 6 participants in the zoom meeting, then a Virtual Tour and the event ended with a symbolic presentation of a certificate by the person in charge of the study to company event, namely Bintang Toto and a group photo.