The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (BEM FEB UNAIR) through the Department of External Relations held a strategic training event aimed at the public relations division of every student organization within the scope of FEB on April 8 2022. This activity was carried out via Zoom Meeting media and was attended by 65 people . The aim of this event is to provide public relations training for ormawa related to material regarding public speaking and partnerships.

The event started at 13.00 WIB by Bintang Toto Laksono S. from BEM FEB UNAIR as Master of Ceremony (MC) who led the strategic training event. The series of events began with remarks from the President of BEM FEB UNAIR, namely sister Vania Safira Febrianti. Then, the event continued with the presentation of the first session, namely public speaking material by Ardian from Glints Expert Class. Then, continued the presentation of partnership material by Yuvi's sister who is also a representative of the Glints Expert Class. The event lasted 2 hours 30 minutes and closed with a group photo. At the end of the event there was a CSI form provided by the External Relations Department of BEM FEB UNAIR and a certificate giving session from BEM FEB UNAIR for each speaker. Finally, the entire series of events closed with a closing by the MC at 15.34 WIB.