Go Scholarship is one of the BEM events at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) which attracts a lot of student attention. The Go Scholarship which was held in the Fadjar Notonegoro Hall, FEB Campus B, Wednesday (12/8) was attended by around 700 students. This time, BEM FEB raised the theme "With Scholarship We can Fly Here", with talk shows, seminars and workshops.

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A quote from writer Seno Gumira A which states "How beautiful is a dream, if it remains a dream?" in motivating students in a workshop on making curriculum vitae (CV) with speaker Annisa Rochmasari, S.Hum. Annisa said that CV writing must comply with the structure. Make sure, says Annisa, no more than 2 pages, make the section leading, and significant to the program you have.

Meanwhile, when making a motivation letter, there is no need to include skills. However, this also depends on the scholarship chosen.

One of the scholarships in Indonesia is provided by Bank Indonesia. The Bank Indonesia Scholarship has been around since 2011 with 89 universities and covered 18,565 students from 2011 to 2018.

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Wayan Sri Widhiastuti, ST, MMT said that the Bank Indonesia scholarship is implemented every year and the receipt can be repeated twice according to certain points according to the criteria. To get a BI scholarship, students who get scholarships from other agencies are not allowed.

Meanwhile, LPDP is one of the scholarships that many people are looking forward to. In LPDP, language skills are important, both regular and superior. Apart from that, ability is also tested by writing an on-the-spot essay of around 250 words. Ability and insight will be seen from the test results, both documents and interviews.

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In this event there were scholarship booths from various corners, such as the Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) Scholarship, Bank Indonesia (BI) Scholarship, PPA Scholarship, and other scholarships that supported the excitement of the Go Sholarship event.