Airlangga Creativepreneur Competition or commonly abbreviated as ACTION is one of the Business Department's work programs in the form of an entrepreneurship competition in the business sector. This ACTION activity was held on 14-15 September 2018 and was attended by several students from all universities in Indonesia, such as Gajah Mada University (UGM), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Padjadjaran University, and so on. With this ACTION activity, it is hoped that it can hone the skills of the younger generation to improve their entrepreneurial spirit and look for superior students from all universities in Indonesia.
The 2018 ACTION has the theme "Agent of Change: Be A Problem Solver & Opportunity Seeker" . Initially, participants submitted papers online first to be filtered into the 10 largest teams. Teams that passed began arriving on September 14 2018 to take part in the Technical Meeting before continuing to the second stage of selection. On September 15 2018, each team carried out the second stage of selection, namely by presenting the paper they had created to the judges. The second stage of selection was held in the KRM Tirtodiningrat FEB UNAIR Hall.
The event continued with mentoring activities which invited Mrs. Tri Siwi Agustina Dr., SE., M.Si. as a speaker in this mentoring. The mentoring activity itself was held in the Hall of the Evora Hotel Surabaya in the afternoon at around 15.30 WIB. Then the winner was announced and awarded to the winners at the end of the event.