Wednesday (18/4), was the first activity of FEB Market x Gigs. FEB Market x Gigs itself is a collaborative event between the BEM FEB business department and the Sega (Arts and Sports) department. The inaugural FEB Market x Gigs event which took place from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB at the GKM park carried a Carnival theme. There are 2 main events, namely the open tenant / stand bazaar and acoustic performance.

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According to Farhan Prinovanto (Management 2017) as chairman of the FEB Market event, he explained that the Carnival theme was chosen to attract the curiosity of FEB students to visit. The aim of holding the FEB Market event is to facilitate FEB students who have businesses and also encourage student business activities by opening bazaar stands. Students who want to participate in opening a stand, apparently have quite easy requirements, just register and make payment,


and business owners are FEB UNAIR students. Farhan also explained that the decorations for the event preparation took quite a long time, especially since this event was being held for the first time. Apart from that, the products marketed at FEB Market are less diverse and in the future it is hoped that student interest in coming to FEB Market will increase. Regarding the aim of the FEB Market event, Farhan advised "Don't be afraid to start a business."

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One of the bazaar stands participating in the FEB Market x Gigs event is "Cicil" which is a payment platform for transactions in online market places. Rizky Hanna Ekaputri, as Cicil ambassador, felt helped by this event, because according to him he could meet face to face with potential users and get to know the consumption culture of FEB students as well as educate and introduce "Cicil" to FEB UNAIR students.

Apart from FEB Market which is more aimed at business facilities, Gigs as FEB's art forum also has a purpose. "The Gigs event itself is a forum for FEB students to develop their musical talents and hone their confidence to perform in public." Explained Aditya Rachman (Accounting 2017) as the chief organizer of the Gigs event. To be able to participate, you also have the same procedures as the bazaar stand. "Show of your passion from now" Aditya said at the end of the interview session.

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Apart from being a facilitator for business owners and music enthusiasts, the collaboration of these two events tries to showcase the new atmosphere of GKM. One of them, Yenny Novita Sari (Islamic Economics 2017), a student who visited the FEB Market x Gigs event, thought that holding this event could enliven GKM FEB and become a forum for FEB students to make it easier to market their products. This event also increases students' enthusiasm to be brave in doing business and later they will be able to participate in the FEB Market. According to him, there are many interesting bazaar stands, one of which is "KPK coffee loeb". "Hopefully the FEB Market Gigs event can be even better and be held regularly." said Yenny when met during the event.


Author: Indria Ramadhani