Event News – Welvis SB IPB / Monday, March 15 2021


On Monday, March 15 2021, the External Relations department of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) held a Welcome Visit. Welcome Visit is an event where BEM FEB Unair receives guests from high schools and other universities to conduct comparative studies with BEM FEB Unair. The aim of Welvis is to obtain information and knowledge about management from visiting university BEMs and to establish relations and friendship with university BEMs who visit FEB Unair. This activity involved all BEM FEB Unair administrators for the 2021 period with guests who conducted comparative studies. This time BEM FEB Unair received a visit from BEM SB IPB. This event was held via the Zoom platform. This Welcome Visit was attended by 133 from BEM FEB Unair and 56 from IPB. Starting with remarks from the President of BEM (Thariq Priadmojo) and the Vice President (Andrew Alvaro Harun) of BEM Unair for the 2021 period and continued with the Chair of BEM from SP IPB (Mizan Laz). Followed by a presentation of material from each BEM regarding management and each work program. After delivering the material by each BEM party, it was continued with a Forum Group Discussion (FGD). This time, the FGD was divided into departments and bureaus via Zoom breakout. In this forum we get to know each other between departments and bureaus in BEM. And exchange information from each department, both their management and each work program being implemented. Then the event closed with a group photo.