TED is an annual event that brings together the world's leading thinkers and doers to share ideas that matter in any discipline — technology, entertainment, design, science, humanities, business, and development, for example. In the spirit of "ideas worth spreading," TED finally formed TEDx, a self-organized local event that brings together many people to share experiences, just like at TED. 

TEDx is a conference that presents curated speakers to share their inspiring stories. In this event, speakers translate complex ideas into simpler ideas so that they can be easily digested and understood by a wider audience. It is hoped that TEDx can then become a local forum or forum for ideas in the community that can inspire many people to change their lives, their future and their world for the better. Based on this, TEDxUniversitasAirlangga 2020 is finally here as the first TEDx event at Universitas Airlangga and aims to share inspiring, creative and innovative ideas and motivation under the spirit of ideas worth spreading.

This time, the TEDxUniversitasAirlangga event will be held online. Apart from this online event, TEDxUniversitasAirlangga also has a sub-event called "Call for
Essay". This event was held as the initial series of TEDxAirlangga University activities. The "Call for Essays" is aimed at everyone who has creative ideas and ideas according to the theme, namely Reversing the Stereotype.

The event began with an opening from the MC, followed by singing the Hymn Airlangga and Indonesia Raya. After that, there will be remarks from the chairman of the committee and the chairman of BEM FEB 2020. In this event, every video that will be shown will be taken directly by the TEDxUniversitasAirlangga Videography Event committee. The TEDxUniversitasAirlangga event will be held in several activity sessions. 

In the first session, there will be a video viewing process which will then be followed by a question and answer session or QnA with the first speaker based on the direction of the moderator. After the first event session is finished, there will be an ice breaker which aims to calm down and make the atmosphere more comfortable and hype. Ice Breaking will take the form of Gartic games where the committee will draw something and the participants will guess what it is. Next, a video broadcast from the second speaker will be held and ends with a break session (ishoma). In the second session, the event will continue with a question and answer session or QnA with the second speaker guided by the moderator. Then, the event continued with ice breaking again as well as showing a video from the third speaker and a question and answer session or QnA with the third speaker by the moderator. Before starting to show the video from the fourth speaker, there will be a game using "Kahoot" to test the participants' focus. After the sub-activity ends, the event will continue with a video screening from the fourth speaker, a question and answer session or QnA and the closing of the event by the MC.