External Cooperation is the work agenda of the 2020 FEB UNAIR Student Executive Board's External Relations Department, which focuses on establishing cooperative relations with the Student Executive Board as representatives of FEB UNAIR students, with merchants around campus B Universitas Airlangga . External Collaboration aims to contribute to the welfare of students at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga in meeting their needs for food products, beverages and other services. Currently, activities have been running for half the BEM FEB 2020 management period and have collaborated with 24 and more than 10 new merchants, including Zest Hotel, LIA Ngagel, Tutee.id, Tutorial 4Serangkai, Aiola Eatery, AHASS Panglima Jaya Motor, NOC Cheese and Bubble, IM Garage, Community Coffee, and many more.

The External Cooperation work agenda not only aims to improve the welfare of FEB UNAIR students, but also provides lessons and experiences to the internal BEM FEB UNAIR 2019, especially the Department of External Relations. With the External Collaboration agenda, merchants can promote their merchants on Instagram and the BEM FEB UNAIR Official LINE Account which has a total of 21,778 followers with a total of 12 publications on @bemfebunair Instagram feeds and stories (as of 18 August 2020). Meanwhile, merchants are required to provide feedback in the form of offers such as discounts or other forms of promotion aimed at all active FEB UNAIR students.

Implementation of the External Cooperation agenda begins with meeting merchant employees and asking for information on the marketing contact person and/or merchant owner. After that, the person in charge of external cooperation contacts the contact person and sends a cooperation offer proposal in the form of a cooperation draft, MoU (Memorandum of Understanding), and offer promotion. The end of the External Cooperation agenda process is the signing of the MoU directly by the person in charge of the External Cooperation activity agenda with merchant stakeholders. The implementation can be adjusted to circumstances, if the situation does not allow the person in charge can carry out a series of activities to implement the work agenda via e-mail.

Regarding what is expected after the External Cooperation agenda is implemented, Eva Cipta Laras Kasih as the person in charge of the External Cooperation agenda, explained "The Department of External Relations which acts as the front guard of the FEB UNAIR Student Executive Board does not just want to establish cooperation and good relations with merchants, but It is important for us to be able to bring direct benefits to FEB UNAIR students. We hope that the various types of merchants that have or will collaborate can meet the needs of students. We hope that this work agenda is not only limited to bringing benefits to FEB UNAIR students. "However, we also hope to help merchants or small businesses around campus B Universitas Airlangga in introducing their businesses through promotions carried out through the official BEM FEB UNAIR account, so that they can make a real contribution to the regional and national economy."