
Internal Training (PI) is a new work program at BEM FEB UNAIR for the 2020 period. This activity aims to prepare BEM FEB UNAIR administrators to be ready to face problems that arise within their organization and improve self-management within the organization for active administrators of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Universitas Airlangga Business. With this PI, it is hoped that all active administrators of BEM FEB UNAIR 2020 will be able to comprehend, understand and be able to carry out their duties and obligations during the management period. This activity was carried out on a Zoom webinar and took place on May 30 2020. It started on Saturday afternoon and ended on Saturday afternoon. This event was attended by all active administrators of BEM FEB UNAIR for the 2020 period. This PI raised the theme "self-management for internal strengthening of the organization".

 The structure of this event begins with registration from participants who attend the Zoom webinar before the event starts. The opening of the PI was marked by remarks from the PI executive chairman and the chairman of BEM FEB Unair. After the opening ceremony was finished, the event was taken over by the moderator. Then the event continued with session I material and discussion delivered by Mas Ziyannur Rahman as Head of the Adkesma Department BEM FEB Unair 2020. After that, it continued with ice breaking for 15 minutes, after the ice breaking the material and discussion continued to session II. Session II material and discussion ended at 14.55 WIB and continued with the posttest until 15.05 WIB. 

The event closed with thanks to the speaker and all BEM FEB Unair administrators who had attended the PI event, then continued with a virtual group photo.