Upgrading BEM FEB UNAIR is one of the work programs that is held regularly once a year. This activity aims to provide information about organization and form characters in an organization. With this upgrading, it is hoped that all levels involved in the management of the organization will be able to comprehend, understand and be able to carry out their duties and obligations during the management period without any obstacles. This activity was held at Villa Panorama Pacet, Mojokerto and took place from 21 to 23 February 2020. It started on Friday afternoon and ended on Sunday afternoon. This event was attended by 125 BEM FEB Unair 2020 Transformation Cabinet administrators.

This event began with a gathering at around 15.00 WIB after Ashar prayers in the Master of Management field Universitas Airlangga before leaving for the villa using vehicles that had been prepared by the committee. The opening of the Upgrading was marked by a speech by the chairman of BEM FEB.

After the opening ceremony was over, all participants and the dinner committee continued with bonding between administrators and their respective departments. All departments are free to gather and share between members. The event starts at 20.00 WIB and ends at 22.30 WIB. Next, all participants were invited to take a break.

The next day, at 06.00, it started with morning exercise which was attended by all participants. After that, breakfast provided by the villa continues with participants being invited to clean themselves. After that, from 08.30 WIB to 11.30 WIB continued with games that had been prepared by the committee. Next, all participants cleaned themselves, prayed together and had lunch. From 13.00 WIB to 16.00 WIB it was filled with Leadership and Organization material delivered by the Deputy Dean I Staff, namely Mr. M. Khoerul Mubin SEMSc. , in this material there is some material about family, organizational management, and so on. The second game is held after the material has been presented. After the games, participants are allowed to clean themselves, pray and have dinner which will be followed by a group inauguration. This inauguration itself featured several performances that had been determined by the committee. This activity ends at 21.00 WIB.

The last day of Upgrading was filled by BPH for introductions to get to know the management better. Saad, chairman of BEM FEB, gave the jargon for the transformation cabinet. At 11.00 WIB the series of upgrading activities officially ended and could proceed according to the rundown. After that, participants were allowed to pack up in preparation for going home.