Meet Alumni 2020

Alumni Meeting is an agenda held by the Department of External Relations FEB
UNAIR. The alumni meeting was held on a day agreed upon by the alumni and BEM
FEB UNAIR. Members of the Department of External Relations of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics
and Business Universitas Airlangga together with the Chair and Deputy Chair of BEM FEB UNAIR gathered
at the BEM secretariat before leaving for the alumni area. Next, participants will go to the alumni's house
together and have a visit. Sambang is carried out in the form of sharing and sharing
February 14 2020 we visited Mas Rizal Rahmat as an FEB alumni Class of
2012. He was the recipient of a superior scholarship from Bank Indonesia. While still at university, Mas Rizal Rahmat
served as chairman of BEM in 2015. Previously, Mas Rizal Rahmat also served
as chairman of the 2014 Development Economics Student Association. Apart from that, in the 7th semester,
Mas Rizal Rahmat did an internship at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs in the field of
economic analysis. Meanwhile, currently Mas Rizal Rahmat works at the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights in the field of first expert immigration analysis.
The discussion from the alumni meeting by Mas Rizal Rahmat was about internship tips and tricks.
Mas Rizal Rahmat shared his experience when he was an intern. His tip is that
internship opportunities will come at any time, but how can we take advantage of
this opportunity by coming directly to the company directly. No need to wait for
the internship announcement from the company. Then, he also gave advice, that before
entering the world of work, you must lower your prestige and be ready to spread your net to several