febunair grand deliberationThe AcSES General Conference or commonly abbreviated as MUBES is an annual activity to report accountability for the management of AcSES 2024 and the AD/ART hearing. This activity is a forum for all active members of AcSES FEB Unair and AcSES alumni to gather, deliberate, and make important decisions regarding the direction and policies of AcSES in the future. The concept of the activity is to be carried out intensively for two days, which falls from 30 November to 1 December 2024. The activity will start at 09.00 sharp until finished and the location of the activity will be held in the Soepoyo FEB Hall, Universitas Airlangga. MUBES 2024 activities are in line with SDGs point 4, namely quality education, meaning that a large deliberation can decide on sufficient budget allocation for work programs in an organization, both for the development of internal and external members. Apart from that, Mubes can also be used to evaluate the success of work programs that have been running and make improvements if necessary so that the next work program can run well and optimally. With the evaluation of the work program from the general deliberation, it is hoped that the performance of the organization's members will be able to form higher quality characters through the education and direction they have received.