open recruitment feb unairInternship with AcSES or better known as MAGICS is one of the work programs of the Human Resource Development (HRD) division of AcSES FEB UNAIR. The MAGICS activity was held to introduce that at FEB UNAIR there is an organization that focuses on the field of reasoning, namely AcSES. Apart from that, MAGICS activities are an initial effort to cadre the AcSES organization for new FEB UNAIR students. AcSES uses the momentum of the arrival of new students as a medium for introduction through the "Internship with AcSES (MAGICS)" work program. Through this program, it is hoped that new members who join will get to know AcSES well so that they can channel their potential in the field of reasoning and science, especially in the field of Islamic economics.

MAGICS is considered to be in line with SGD's 8th point, namely about decent work and economic growth, because in MAGICS there is an activity that invites participants to continue to hone their abilities so that they become better trained in preparing for careers in the future. Therefore, as the number of superior cadres increases, the goal of achieving a golden Indonesia becomes more real, and the opportunity to get a decent job becomes higher. This can affect economic growth in Indonesia, which should continue to improve.
Apart from that, Magics is also in line with SGD's point 16, namely about peace, justice and strong institutions. By joining new students in this MAGICS activity, it can become a means of friendship for the Cadreization Council, Daily Supervisory Board and AcSESor 2024. It is hoped that after new students join MAGICS, it will foster a sense of peace and make organizational relations more harmonious between AcSESor and interns.
MAGICS 2024 activities will take place from 22 September to 9 November 2024. Initially this activity will be at the open recruitment stage by carrying out promotions on AcSES social media, then followed by a registration process. To open MAGICS, a MAGICS welcome party will be held which will include introductions to the AcSES division, introductions to AcSESor 2024 members, the Daily Supervisory Board, and intern participants. Then during MAGICS it will be filled with work programs from each division in AcSES such as AGTP which is a work program from the RnP division, then SEC X ACD which is a work program from the Science division, and many others. Then, to close the series of MAGICS activities, a closing party will be held as a final sign that the 2024 MAGICS activities are over.