SM ART II is an activity that is a means of increasing scientific insight which is not only theoretical but also applicable, to be able to grow managerial abilities in organizations and create motivational encouragement.

The SMART II event was held as a means of increasing scientific insight both from a theoretical and applied perspective. It is hoped that in the future AcSES cadres will not only excel in terms of Islamic economic theory, but will also be competent in its application. AcSES provides facilities for AcSES FEB UNAIR 2022 members to carry out advanced upgrading with the aim of preparing Rabbani economists who have good managerial and organizational skills as well as a cadre formation effort for the next period. SMART II will be held for one day in the Tirto FEB UNAIR Hall. It contains several materials that will be presented regarding leadership management, public speaking, motivation to continue the struggle and various other supporting materials. Apart from that, there are FGDs, presentations of work program innovations, and so on. SMART II activities are in accordance with SDGS 4, namely quality education. This is in line because SMART II provides leadership and managerial education, outside of academics, for AcSES staff.