[AcSES Social Responsibility]

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, ikhwah fillah

All praise to Allah SWT for His blessings and mercy. May Allah SWT always bestow health, happiness and blessings on us. 

AcSES Social Responsibility (ASR) is one of AcSES' work programs that raises funds both externally and internally. Later, the proceeds from the donations will be distributed to the community.

We realize that there are still many people around us who are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this year we are distributing donations to communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic through BLT (Direct Cash Assistance).

Open for donations: 1 March 2021 - 20 March 2021

Donations in the form of cash are sent via:

  1. Rec. Bank Syariah Indonesia (ex Bank Syariah Mandiri): 7141361222 an Melananda Riski Aulia
  2. OVO: 085895773331 and Melananda Riski Aulia

CP and confirmation: 

085895773331 (Mela)

Allah always helps His servants, as long as the servant likes to help his brother (HR Muslim)


▪ Instagram : ksei_acsesunair

▪ Line : @PRG6907D

▪ Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need Javascript enabled to view it.




