Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings

Hello Economist Rabbani, how are you?

Alhamdulillah, AcSES FEB UNAIR Muamalah Fiqh Study will be back for the first time in 2021

What's the theme?

The theme of the caravan this time is "Cash Waqf Development Strategy in Realizing Waqf Investment in Accordance with Muamalah Principles"

Held on :

Day/Date: Saturday, March 13 2021

Time: 08.30 WIB – Finish

Platform : Zoom

Moderator: Shelin Suryani

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Raditya Sukmana, SE., MA.

Registration Link:

Don't miss out!

For further information, contact:

Roval Romadhon (WA : 081559716056)

Wiwit Nur Rohmah (WA: 085806161614)


