Access Social Responsibility 2020 001

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh, ikhwah fillah~
May Allah bestow health, happiness & blessings on us. Don't forget
all praise to Allah for His blessings and mercy.
ASR is back! AcSES Social Responsibility (ASR) is one of AcSES' work programs
that raises funds both externally and internally. Later, the proceeds from the donations
will be distributed to the community.
This year we collaborated with Puspas Unair and then distributed it to
communities affected by Covid-19

Open Donations until
️Thursday, April 30 2020

Collecting donations in the form of money can be transferred to
- BSM 7120431697 An Shelin Suryani
- Ovo Payment= 085648832633 An KSEI ACSES feb UNAIR 2020

☎ CP and Confirmation:
Shelin Suryani
ID line. shelinsuryaani

In fact, sharing is not to reduce, but to increase the happiness of the heart.
"Whoever lightens the burden of a Muslim who is in trouble, Allah
will lighten his burden in this world and the hereafter" (HR. Muslim)

Jazakumullah khairan katsiran.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah
