SRIKANDI Smart and Productive for a Glorious Future

Srikandi is one of the work programs derived from the National FoSSEI (Forum for Silaturrahin and Islamic Economic Studies). This forum is a special forum for female students whose aim is to increase the capacity and capability of AcSES students both in the academic and non-academic fields.

In the 2019 period alone, the HRD Division as the person responsible for the Srikandi work program targeted Srikandi to be implemented five (5) times but in reality it was only implemented four (4) times. In this period Srikandi carries the theme "Intelligent, Productive Muslim Women who Contribute to Islam".

This period Srikandi started on Friday, March 29 2019 with the sub-theme "Becoming an Outstanding Muslimah" and invited speakers from students from the medical faculty Universitas airlangga . The second Srikandi was held on Friday, 10 May 2019, at the second meeting Srikandi learned to make snack bouquets which can be seen as a business field and the material was Ririn Agustiya (FPK 2017). At the third meeting Friday, 13 September 2019, Srikandi discussed how important it is not to hope for people, the speaker was Samara (FKM 2015). And at the fourth meeting, Friday 1 November 2019, Srikandi discussed the importance of being an intelligent Muslim woman in order to create an intelligent generation too.

With the existence of a special forum for heroines, it is hoped that female cadres will get to know their fellow comrades in arms better and share inspiring stories so that they can become cadres who can make their organization proud as well.



