nsec50 feb unair

nsec50 feb unair1

The National Sharia Economic Competition (NSEC) is an annual routine activity of KSEI FRESH UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta. NSEC is a national level competition activity related to Islamic economics for all students in Indonesia. NSEC consists of three competition branches, namely: Islamic Economics, Essay and Poster Olympiad. Participants from NSEC are spread from various universities, including: Padjadjaran University, Brawijaya University, Raden Intan Lampung State Islamic University, and others. This year's NSEC carries the theme "The Role of Rabbani Economists in Realizing Inclusive Digitalization of the Sharia Economy".
NSEC is implemented in several stages. In the preliminary stage, it is carried out online via Zoom Meeting and Quizizz by working on individual questions. In the semifinal stage, it was carried out online via Zoom Meeting with the Smart Care scheme. In the final stage, it will be carried out offline at the UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta campus on 26-27 September 2023 by working on case studies.
The students who took part in the competition were from the Scientia Team, whose members were: Diaz Tulus Anandri (042111433099), Mutiara Rahma Cahyani Warli (144221104), and Desiyanti Sagita Rachmahdewi (144221181). This team passed from the preliminary stages, semifinals, to the final. Even though initially they used personal funds, this did not dampen the team's fighting spirit.
This activity of course also supports Universitas Airlangga and the Airlangga Knights in promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Among the 17 existing SDGs, this activity plays a role in the following SDGs: SDGs 4 - Quality Education, SDGs 5 - Gender Equality, and SDGs 17 - Partnership to Achieve the Goals. SDGs 4 - Quality Education is implemented because in this activity we synergize with each other in working and exchanging ideas for the advancement of the Islamic economy. SDGs 5 - Gender Equality is applied because this activity also really involves gender differences and there is no discrimination whatsoever, everyone is equal and helps each other. SDGs 17 - Partnership to Achieve Goals is included in this activity because there needs to be cooperation between parties so that this activity runs and produces a positive impact on Indonesia and the world.