(Feb News) Thursday, February 6, 2025 - Islamic Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB Unair), successfully held the "Open House and S3 S3 Islamic Economic Socialization FEB UNAIR" online. This event attracted the attention of more than 50 participants from various circles, including students, academics, and practitioners from various educational and banking institutions, which were not only from Universitas Airlangga but also to the public.
The event was opened with a speech from Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, Deputy Dean I Feb Unair, who emphasized the importance of collaboration in the academic and professional world. He invited the participants to take advantage of this event as a forum for friendship and explore the potential of cooperation in research and community service. "The best knowledge is useful science, and the best research is that has a real impact on society, nation and state," he said.
Next, Prof. Dr. Raditya Sukmana, SE., MA. Provides an introduction to the S3 Islamic Economics program Feb Unair. Prof. Radit explained the program's vision in producing superior academics and practitioners in the field of Islamic economics, as well as various facilities and support provided to students to complete their studies effectively.
The main session of this event was filled by two interesting materials. Martini Dwi Pusparini, S.Hi., M.SI., S3 Student of Islamic Economics FEB UNAIR, Batch 2023 as well as Lecturer of the Ministry of Islamic Economics UII Yogyakarta, sharing experiences about lectures in S3 Islamic Economics FEB UNAIR. He denied the assumption that studies at Airlangga University were difficult, by telling his experience completing studies in five semesters, getting scopus publication guidance, and feeling extraordinary support from lecturers and fellow students. Martini also shared the strategy that he had implemented to successfully publish four papers at Scopus in his second year of study, with three other papers still in the review stage.
Meanwhile, Mir'atun Nisa 'discussed the opportunities for LPDP and BPI scholarships, as well as providing practical tips in developing registration and study scheduling strategies. He explained the various scholarship schemes available and strategic steps that could be taken to obtain educational funding, both through the LoA (Letter of Acceptance) and non-Loa pathways.
The enthusiasm of the participants can be seen from the many questions raised, especially related to the scholarship acquisition mechanism and the process of getting LoA from the promoter before registering with Airlangga University. This interactive discussion shows the high interest in further study in the field of Islamic economics and the amount of opportunity for prospective students to access quality education.
Through this event, FEB Unair reiterated its commitment in providing extensive access for prospective students to study higher education with various facilities, both in terms of financing through scholarships and academic facilities that support the smooth study. Thus, this program is expected to print superior human resources that contribute to the development of Islamic economics in Indonesia and the world.