JOB FAIR FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) In this ever-evolving and competitive era, finding a job that suits your interests, skills and personal ambitions can be a challenge. Everyone has to face fierce competition and increasingly high demands in achieving career success. In the midst of this situation, Wednesday, 27 September 2023, "Career Day 2023" was the result of collaboration between the Center for Entrepreneurship and Industrial Relations (PKRI) FEB UNAIR, the Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation and Alumni (DPKKA) UNAIR, the FEB UNAIR Alumni Association (IKAFE UNAIR), BEM FEB UNAIR, and 13 Corporate Partners, held from Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, and Soepoyo Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR, as a strong solution to overcome these challenges.

These 13 Partners come from leading companies! Namely: 1. PrimeBiz Hotel Surabaya; 2. PT Securindo Packatama Indonesia; 3. JTV; 4. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk; 5. PT Fastrata Buana; 6. Wardah; 7. PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk; 8. Directorate General of Taxes, Bank Jatim Syariah; 9. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk.; 10. PT MNC Land, Tbk.; 11. PT Bank Syariah Indonesia, Tbk.; 12. PT Indosat, Tbk.; 13. PT Kode Niaga Tama; 14. PT Industrial Robotic Automation

Activities take place in a series of interesting events:

Talkshow: Speakers from companies and stakeholders share views on what and how companies look for their dream employees. They provide successful tips for achieving success in the competitive world of work.

Job Fair: A rare opportunity to meet top companies face to face and explore career opportunities. Through Job Fairs, relevant companies can connect with local talent, which can lead to greater industrial development and innovation in the area.

CV Review: Help students and alumni to compete better with other job seekers. Improve your CV and prepare to grab your dream job.

Walk-in Interview: A golden opportunity to interview directly with representatives of companies that are interested in you. Show your talents and abilities!

The presence of Career Day 2023 is a manifestation of our support for SDG's 8 to help students and alumni find jobs that suit their interests and skills. It promotes the creation of decent jobs and economic growth. Through this event, students and alumni are given easy access to valuable information, the opportunity to interact with experts and well-known companies, and open the door to promising career opportunities, this is in accordance with the spirit of the 8th SDG's.

This good collaboration event between the Company and BEM FEB UNAIR on Career Day is also a manifestation of our support for the 10th SDG's where Career Day provides opportunities for all students and alumni, regardless of their social or economic background, to interact with companies and looking for career opportunities. This contributes to reducing inequalities in access to employment opportunities. Apart from that, this collaboration can also create partnerships that support the achievement of various sustainable development goals.





