9120 FEB UNAIR and DPKKA UNAIR Discussing the Strategy for Improving Employability Graduates.html(FEB News) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB Airlangga) received a visit from the Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation, and Alumni (DPKKA) Unair who also held a strategic discussion with the theme "Increasing Employability". This activity took place on Friday, January 24, 2025, in the meeting room of the Lobby ABC FEB Airlangga University.
Visit from DPKKA UNAIR, led by the Director of DPKKA UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Elly Munadziroh, Drg., MS, and attended by Deputy Dean I Feb Unair - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo , along with his staff. This meeting aims to discuss strategic efforts in increasing work readiness and competitiveness of FEB Airlangga graduates in the professional world.
Synergy between Faculties and DPKKA in identifying the latest job market needs, is very important to do. This is a form of commitment to support students and alumni through programs that are oriented to competency development, so that UNAIR graduates have more value in the world of work.
This discussion includes the discussion of various innovative strategies, such as increasing industrial -based skills, soft skills training, and strengthening relations with partners. FEB UNAIR continues to strive so that the curriculum is designed relevant to the needs of the job market. With a strong synergy together with DPKKA, it is expected to further strengthen the steps of FEB Unair in preparing competent graduates. "
Through this activity, FEB UNAIR and DPKKA UNAIR are expected to print a generation of graduates who are not only superior academically but are also ready to compete at the national and global level, so that they can contribute in reducing the gap between the needs of the world of work and the competencies of higher education graduates.
FEB UNAIR and DPKKA UNAIR seeks to ensure that graduates not only have academic advantages, but also practical skills that are relevant to industrial needs, so that they can open more equitable job opportunities and support inclusive economic growth.