SEMNAS FEB UNAIR KEMENDAG(FEB NEWS) FEB UNAIR successfully held a National Seminar "Development and Strategy of Indonesian International Trade Negotiations" in collaboration with the Directorate General of International Trade Negotiations – Ministry of Trade from the Fadjar Notonagoto Hall, Fl. 2 FEB UNAIR and attended by various groups, from academics, students, to practitioners who are interested in deepening international trade issues, (4/10/2024).

Dean of FEB UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., M.Si., Ak., CMA., CA, opened the seminar by emphasizing the importance of understanding Indonesia's international trade strategy, especially amidst increasingly complex global economic challenges. He emphasized that collaboration between academics, practitioners and policy makers is needed to produce effective economic policies and increase Indonesia's competitiveness in international trade negotiations.

Director General of International Trade Negotiations at the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, Djatmiko Bris Witjaksono, SE, MSIE, as Keynote Speaker, discussed developments and strategies taken by Indonesia in international trade negotiations. Indonesia is actively involved in multilateral, regional and bilateral negotiations with the aim of increasing exports and providing incentives to domestic economic actors. Indonesia is also trying to balance relations with traditional markets such as China, the United States and Japan, as well as expanding access to non-traditional markets in South Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe.

Another panelist, Dr. Unggul Heriqbaldi from FEB UNAIR, highlighted that Indonesia has shifted from a natural resource-based economy to a global value chain. Key challenges faced include geopolitical tensions and environmental regulations, such as the European Union's carbon adjustment mechanism. Indonesia needs to expand trade markets, downstream industry, and adapt to global sustainability standards to maintain competitiveness.

Dr. Phil. Siti Rokhmawati Susanto, S.IP., MIR., from FISIP UNAIR, emphasized the importance of economic diplomacy in global trade negotiations. He also underlined the need to increase the involvement of trade actors in economic diplomacy, as well as the importance of accelerating FTA negotiations with priority countries. Meanwhile, Dr. Intan Soeparna, SH, M.Hum., from UNAIR Faculty of Law, highlighted aspects of legal regulations which are challenges in implementing international trade agreements.

After the presentation of the material, a question and answer session guided by Akhmad Jayadi, SE., M.Ec.Dev., from the Department of Economics FEB UNAIR, opened the opportunity for participants to discuss Indonesia's challenges and opportunities in international trade negotiations. This event closed with an exclusive talk show broadcast via FEB UNAIR e-radio and Spotify, where Djatmiko Bris Witjaksono together with two FEB UNAIR Ambassador students spoke about how the younger generation can play a role in supporting the Indonesian economy through international trade.