BRI CSV FOR MAHENDRADATTA FEB UNAIR COOPERATIVE(FEB NEWS) On Saturday, 22 June 2024, Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd floor of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) witnessed a big step in digital transformation. The event "Talkshow & Launching Future Finance: Transforming the FEB UNAIR Cooperative into a Digital Cooperative Pioneer with BRI" was held by E2MS Class students with committee chairman Ginandjar Koesoemardhani. This event was not only successful in terms of implementation, but also reflected strong support for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

BRI KOP MAHENDRADATTA FEB UNAIR COOPERATIONIn his speech, the Chair of HIMA MM FEB UNAIR, Aldo Lovely Arief Suyoso, emphasized the importance of digitalization in progress. "Digital must not be abandoned and digitalization must be carried out if we want to progress," he said. Aldo also added, "This activity is not an implementation of college assignments but is a task to advance the nation and state." This message resonated strongly in the spirits of all the participants present.

Vice President of Micro Banking BRI Regional Surabaya, Rahadi Kristiyono, in his speech explained how BRI, which has been around for more than 100 years, continues to make changes to become stronger through digitalization. "BRI has not become old, but has become stronger because it has made many changes, including Digital Branch Offices (BO) such as BRILink," he said. Rahadi also advised, "A degree is important, but don't come back just bringing a title. Make the title real and useful for the wider community."

Dean of FEB UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. expressed his appreciation for this collaborative effort. Prof. Dian does not think this is an E2MS student assignment, but rather an event from BRI. Prof. Dian also wanted to show Mr. Rahadi that the E2MS Class had shown that they had made a very GREAT event (Humble-Honest; E, namely Excellent; B, namely Brave; A, namely Agile; and T, namely Transcendents), meaning that Students do not only pursue a degree, but also a degree that can be felt by the wider community, nation and state.

The success of this event cannot be separated from the contribution of the extraordinary speakers. Among them are 1. Ainurrohmatin - BRILink Agent Sobig Bejo, 2. Chairman II - Mahendradatta Cooperative FEB UNAIR - Dr. Windijarto, SE., MBA., 3. Nur Azza Karim - Surabaya Regional BRI Ecosystem Manager, 4. Sriani Nurnaningsih - Surabaya Regional BRI Ecosystem Manager, and 5. Dr. Gasncar Candra Premananto as moderator. They shared insights and experiences about the importance of digital transformation and how to utilize it for the progress of their businesses/cooperatives as well as MSMEs.

At the end of the event, the collaboration between BRI and the Mahendradatta FEB UNAIR Cooperative was inaugurated. As a symbol of commitment and support for this digitalization initiative, BRI handed over mock-ups and tablets to the Mahaendradatta cooperative through the Dean of FEB UNAIR. This step is part of the CSV (Created Shared Value) program, which includes registering the FEB UNAIR Cooperative as a BRILink agent and opening a shop on the Loca-loka platform. Not only that, BRI also provided cooperative supplies worth IDR 15,114,312 and one unit of Galaxy Tab A95G tablet to support the cooperative's digital operations.

By holding this event, UNAIR E2MS Class students have proven that they are able to initiate significant changes towards digitalization. This initiative specifically supports the achievement of SDGs 17, namely partnerships to achieve the goals, by strengthening collaboration between academia and industry. Apart from that, this effort is also in line with the vision of creating superior human resources for advanced Indonesia, showing that students are not only focused on formal education but also on real contributions that have a positive impact on society and the nation. It is hoped that this success will inspire more similar initiatives in the future, providing real benefits to the wider community.