article feb unair 1april 2024(FEB NEWS) On Monday, April 1 2023, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a "Workshop on Curriculum Review of Master's, Doctoral and Professional Study Programs" in response to the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Republic of Indonesia Technology number 53 of 2023 concerning Quality Assurance of Higher Education. This event was attended by UNAIR Director of Educational Innovation and Development, Prof. Dr. I Made Narsa, as well as various stakeholders such as KPS S2, S3, KPS PPAk, Head of the Quality Assurance Unit, and others.


Dean of FEB UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSI., Ak., CMA., CA., opened the event from Tirtodiningrat Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR. Prof. Narsa conveyed several important points in this workshop, including the Introduction and Problems related to new regulations and policies, such as Minister of Research and Technology Regulation number 53 of 2023, Minister of Education and But Decree 210, related Unair Strategic Plan, as well as curriculum guidelines. Apart from that, the discussion also includes the concept of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and a curriculum guide with examples of redesign to inspire Study Program Coordinators.

This event is an important forum for FEB UNAIR in preparing for the implementation of Minister of Research and Technology Regulation 53 of 2023 concerning Curriculum which will take effect in August 2025. It is hoped that, through this workshop, FEB UNAIR can make a significant contribution in improving the quality of higher education in accordance with the new regulations implemented.
