febunair news2024(FEB NEWS) Abdul Rahman, a student at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), has made brilliant achievements with his innovative startup, "GELATAH". In the 2024 Global Student Entrepreneur Award (GSEA) competition, Abdul Rahman succeeded in winning 2nd place, where a series of competition processes have been ongoing since October 2023 and ended in January 2024, and made a proud achievement for UNAIR.

Photo: Abdul Rahman, Young Entrepreneur Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), who is successful with his innovative startup, "GELATAH"


Gelatah, which focuses on managing used cooking oil, not only provides innovative solutions in processing waste into useful products, but also has a positive impact on the environment and society. This innovative idea emerged from Abdul Rahman's concern about the use of used cooking oil which can have a negative impact on health and the environment.

Abdul Rahman explained, "When my mother suffered from cholesterol, from there I was determined to reduce the use of used cooking oil for the people around me." This illustrates Abdul Rahman's commitment to protecting health and the environment through innovations produced by Gelatah.

Startup Gelatah is not just a collector of used cooking oil, but has produced various useful products such as food warming gel, biodiesel, and soap made from used cooking oil. These products are produced with segmentation that suits consumer needs, showing Abdul Rahman's mature business strategy.

Apart from focusing on business development, Abdul Rahman also prioritizes social values ​​in Gelatah's operations. Collaboration with various sectors, including environmental organizations, is carried out to provide education to the public about the importance of managing used cooking oil responsibly.

With its official establishment as PT Karya Energi Samimulyo and business expansion to various regions including abroad, Gelatah, led by Abdul Rahman, has become a successful example of combining technological innovation, environmental sustainability and positive social benefits.

Abdul Rahman stated, "I want to be an entrepreneur because I have an impact. So I don't just focus on profits but on the social impact on the wider community." Thus, Abdul Rahman's success story with Gelatah not only inspires the younger generation, but also provides a real example that business can be an agent of positive change in society.