CEO TEACHING FEB UNAIR FOOD SECURITY 1(FEB NEWS) Wednesday, March 20 2024, Department of Sharia Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), held a CEO TEACH event, inviting TNI, Dandim Sumenep - Lt. Col. Czi Donny Pramudya, M.Se., MSi., MSc with the theme TNI and the People: "Innovation and Food Security". This event aims to strengthen relations between the TNI and the community, especially students, while promoting innovative ideas in strengthening the country's food security

In this teaching session, the CEO, in this case Dandim 0827 Sumenep, shared his knowledge and experience regarding innovative strategies in the food industry that can be implemented to increase food production and distribution efficiently. In this case, the Dandim, Lt. Col. Czi Donny Pramudya, M.Se., MSi., MSc provided insight into their role in supporting food security through aid and food security programs in the Sumenep Islands area of ​​Madura.

Mr. Dandim's presence in this activity shows his commitment to contributing to building national food security and supporting cooperation between the private sector and the government. Apart from that, it shows support from defense institutions for development efforts and community welfare.

Through a cultural approach and a social approach with Babinsa, Dandim 0827 Sumenep worked together with the people to make corn farming land more productive, which previously only had one harvest a year, to 3 harvests a year. It can also revive idle land which actually has enormous potential in the field of corn production.

With the breakthrough innovation carried out by Dandim 0827 Sumenep in collaboration with one of the entrepreneurs from Sumenep, they innovated to be able to further increase the yield of corn planting financially by processing the corn harvest into corn silage as a feed ingredient with great potential for cattle farming. . And the production results of Silase turned out to be successful beyond expectations. This means that corn silage as a rice planting innovation is selling well in the international market. And there are already large contracts too.

The program carried out by Dandim 0827 Sumenep has been able to change the old paradigm that Madura is barren and unable to provide good harvests in terms of corn and fattening or food security programs in terms of livestock, namely cattle. Innovation was also carried out by drilling wells at several points as an effort to provide higher quality corn harvests and also as a basic feed ingredient for cattle.

TNI members, in this case Dandim 0827 together with their Babinsa, play a key role in the strategies and programs they carry out to support food security in various parts of Sumenep-Madura. They shared field experiences and concrete initiatives that have been successfully implemented to increase food production and equitable distribution. With the presence of Dandim 082 Sumenep, Lt. Col. Czi Dony Pranudya, participants gained valuable insight into the role played by defense institutions in ensuring food availability for the community. In-depth discussions also took place about how cooperation between the military and civilian sectors could accelerate the achievement of National food security goals.

Through this collaboration, it is hoped that more joint initiatives between the private sector and the TNI will be realized to strengthen food security and wider community welfare.