SEMNAS IE FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) Thursday, 14 March 2024 - Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) held a National Seminar, open to the public, entitled "Services Trade Agreement in Economic Cooperation between Indonesia and South Korea". The event was held in order to provide information and understanding regarding international trade agreements in the services sector between the two countries.


The event which was attended by approximately 100 participants was held from the Soepoyo Hall, ABC Building, 3rd Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga and was opened by the Dean of FEB UNAIR – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi. Ak., CMA., CA. In his speech Prof. Dian Agustia, conveyed the importance of economic cooperation between Indonesia and South Korea. Considering that the two of them have very strong economic relations, they have enormous potential to increase cooperation in various fields, including trade in the services sector. Indonesia's trade policy strategy, international trade negotiations, and the impact of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IK-CEPA) between the two countries were the main focus of discussion at the event.

Plt. Director of Services Trade Negotiations, Ministry of Trade, Basaria Tiara Desika L. Gaol, SE, MM, gave a presentation on the "Services Trade Agreement in Indonesia-Korea Economic Cooperation", with a focus on: Indonesia's trade policy strategy; International trade negotiations; Ik-cepa & gen z. Next, Ririh Hidayah Lila Ratna Ningrum, S.Si, M.Ec.Dev, as an Intermediate Expert Trade Negotiator, discussed services trade agreements in economic cooperation between the two countries.

The discussion, which was continued in a question and answer session involving the moderator and seminar participants, is expected to provide a deeper understanding of the practice of international trade negotiations, especially in the services sector.

It is hoped that this national seminar will be able to inspire and provide insight and knowledge for students who want to pursue a career in the field of international trade, especially services trade, in addition to deepening their understanding of economic cooperation between Indonesia and South Korea.