MONEV SHORD DEGREE PROGRAME FEB UNAIR min1(FEB NEWS) Wednesday, February 21, 2024 - Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) held a "Short Degree Program Evaluation" between the International Undergraduate Program of FEB UNAIR and a delegation from Saxion University of Applied Science, the Netherlands . Located in the RAPIM Room, ABC Building of FEB UNAIR, this event became an important momentum for both institutions to strengthen their cooperation.

The meeting was chaired by Vice Dean II FEB UNAIR - Dr Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, accompanied by Muhammad Shaykh Rohman, SE, M.Ec. - Staff of Vice Dean I of FEB UNAIR; Martha Ranggi Primanthi, SE, MIDEC, Ph.D. - Head of International Office of FEB UNAIR and team, and Dr. Devi Sulistyo Kalanjati, SE, M.Acc, M.Sc, Ak, - Coordinator of International Undergraduate Program also with team.

From Saxion University of Applied Science, Netherlands, Jeanet Nijland - Head of Internationalization for the School of Finance and International Business, Dennis Vossen - Program Director International Finance & Accounting School of Finance and International Business, and Tina Purwono - Saxion UAS Representative in Indonesia were present.

The meeting discussed the evaluation of the current short degree program and opportunities to further improve its quality. Both parties are committed to continuing to support the development of this program.

With the exchange of ideas and experiences between the two institutions, it is hoped that this cooperation will increasingly produce quality students who are ready to compete at the global level.
