TALKSHOW FEB UNAIR TAPERA(FEB NEWS) The Department of Sharia Economics, FEB Unair, in collaboration with BP Tapera, held a Talkshow with the theme "Tapera's Role in Supporting Housing Financing for Low-Income Communities Based on Sharia Principles". This talk show will be held on Monday, December 18 2023 in the Fajar Notonegoro Hall, FEB Unair.

This event was attended by IAEI East Java, lecturers and teaching staff at FEB Unair along with undergraduate and doctoral students in Islamic Economics.

Present to give a speech, Deputy Dean II FEB UNAIR – Prof. Dr. Nisful Laila, and Drs. Adi Setianto, MBA - Commissioner of BP Tapera (Alumni D3 FEB UNAIR), who in his speech stated that "The FEB building is very majestic and beautiful. I was amazed. Different from 40 years ago when I studied here, this means that UNAIR continues to progress and develop. Thank God ".


The speakers who conveyed material on the importance of Tapera's role in meeting the basic needs of the community were
1. Prof. Dr. Raditya Sukmana, SE., MA - Head of the Doctoral Study Program, Department of Sharia Economics, Universitas Airlangga
2. Prof. Dr. Ir. HM Nadratuzzaman Hosen, MS, M.Ec. - Chairman of DPS BP Tapera
3. Ariev Baginda Siregar, MBA - Deputy Commissioner for Utilization of Tapera Funds

This activity aims to provide insight to IAEI East Java and Universitas Airlangga to help support research, development and implementation of the BP Tapera program.
BP Tapera also invites participants from the MBR community to participate in financing comfortable and sharia-compliant homes.

"The hope is that Tapera can really open up access for all levels of society to have a home that is comfortable and livable," said Mr Dian Berkah, a talk show participant.

The Talkshow activity organized by the Department of Sharia Economics FEB Unair in collaboration with BP Tapera is a concrete step that is relevant to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through this meeting, resource persons such as Prof. Dr. Raditya Sukmana, SE., MA, Prof. Dr. Ir. HM Nadratuzzaman Hosen, MS, M.Ec., and Ariev Baginda Siregar, MBA, have underlined the importance of Tapera's role in meeting the basic needs of the people, which is in line with the SDGs, especially target 11.1 which targets access for everyone to have a safe, decent home , and affordable by 2030. In inviting participation from participants from the MBR (Low Income Communities), BP Tapera also supports inclusivity and social justice, supporting SDGs 1 and 10. The hope is that, through collaborative efforts like this, Tapera & FEB UNAIR can opening access for all levels of society (lecturers, education staff, students and families) to have a comfortable, sharia-compliant home, while contributing to achieving SDGs targets holistically.