UNAIR February signing(FEB NEWS) Today, Thursday 16 November 2023 in Yogyakarta, the Dean of FEB Unair Prof.

Dr. Dian Agustia accompanied by WD I for AMA and WD3 for RICD attended the FGD event: "Foresight Capabilities and Knowledge for Central Bank Area", as well as signing the Bank Indonesia Learning Task Program Cooperation Agreement with Domestic Universities. With this collaboration agreement, FEB UNAIR together with 4 other leading universities in Indonesia have gained the trust of BI to organize master's and doctoral level education programs for Bank Indonesia employees.
This is also a form of Bank Indonesia's recognition of the quality of education at FEB Unair in participating in preparing quality Bank Indonesia human resources in order to realize BI's vision as a leading digital central bank that makes a real contribution to the national economy and is the best among emerging market countries.
This step is not just academic collaboration, but is also a concrete step in supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Quality higher education is one of the main pillars in achieving the SDGs, especially in efforts to improve the quality of human resources which are the backbone of national economic development.