accounting feb unairThursday 21 September 2023, the Universitas Airlangga held the Airlangga Accounting Competition 2023 with a series of Opening Ceremony, Company Visit activities accompanied by a Workshop at the Surabaya Indonesia Stock Exchange company.
The event was opened by Syahreza Radithya Aydin - Chief Executive of AAC 2023, followed by remarks from Luthfi Priatmodjo - Chair of the Universitas Airlangga , Nining Islamiyah SA., M.Sc. - Representative of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., M.Si., as Deputy Dean I representing the Dean of FEB UNAIR officially opened the 2023 AAC semifinal and final series of events.

The next event was a Company Visit at the Surabaya Indonesia Stock Exchange company. The event began with a video showing how the Indonesian Stock Exchange was founded, delivered by Mr. Hafiz Fitradiansyah. Then it was continued with a sharing session and workshop delivered by Mr. Miftakhul Ihsan regarding trading practices using the Brights application.
