Group photo session after Entrepreneurship Training in Mindrowo Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business, UNAIR (Photo: Hisom Masduki)


The Matching Fund Program is a funding program from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), to create collaboration between university personnel and the business and industrial world (DUDI) in forming an Independent Learning Campus ecosystem. 

Wednesday (28/09), the 2022 Matching Fund Team from Universitas Airlangga , chaired by Shochrul Rohmatul Ajija, SE., M.Ec, carried out an entrepreneurship training series for Rumah Gemilang Indonesia (RGI) alumni partners LAZ Al Azhar East Java. This activity was carried out both online via zoom meeting and offline in the Mindrowo Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga . 

This entrepreneurship training was attended by general participants, namely alumni of RGI LAZ Al Azhar East Java, Indonesian Disability Syariah Cooperative, Cooperative 64 Bahari Surabaya, Universitas Airlangga students and the general public. 

This training presented three speakers who already have experience in the world of entrepreneurship, including Cato Artha Imansyah, SM as owner of Owl Gelato Malang and BBQBox Malang; Siti Nur Indah Rofiqoh, SE., MM as Retail Entrepreneur of UD.Bintang Baru and Lecturer in Sharia Economics, Qomaruddin University Gresik; and Sri Cahyaning Umi Salama, SEI., M.Si as owner of Salama Meat Shop, BMT MUDA East Java cooperative practitioner, and Lecturer in Sharia Economics at Muhammadiyah University of Malang.  

The delivery of training material consists of several sessions. The first session was filled by Cato Artha Imansyah, SM who delivered material on how to find business ideas. The second session continued, which was filled by Siti Nur Indah Rofiqoh, SE., MM with material on how to realize business ideas. The third session was a talk show (points for each business from Cato Artha Imansyah, SM and Siti Nur Indah Rofiqoh, SE., MM). Finally, the fourth session was filled by Sri Cahyaning Umi Salama, SEI., M.Sc. with the material of building a brand through the Tiktok shop.  

In presenting the material, Cato Artha Imansyah explained that the way to find a business idea is to follow a trend that becomes a market opportunity, follow a hobby or passion, and the skills you have. On the other hand, Siti Nur Indah Rofiqoh explained how to realize business ideas. According to Siti Nur Indah Rofiqoh, in order to realize a business idea, what you have to do is make a thorough plan, do trial and error, and do it repeatedly.  

In the final session, Sri Cahyaning Umi Salama provided material about types of branding and steps in building a brand. "To improve product branding, businesses can utilize social media, such as TikTok," said Sri Cahyaning Umi Salama, SEI., M.Sc.

This entrepreneurship training is related to SDGs number 8, namely Decent Work & Economic Growth. Training activities help partners understand entrepreneurial concepts and foster interest in entrepreneurship so that they can create jobs and play a role in the community's economic growth.  

"Through this training series, it is hoped that partners can foster an entrepreneurial spirit, create new businesses, and improve their skills in managing businesses," said Shochrul Rohmatul Ajija, SE., M.Ec, chairman of the Matching Fund. 


Author: Siti Munawaroh