Providing material by Mr. Sandiaga Uno


(FEB NEWS) The imbalance between demand and availability of jobs in Indonesia means we have to move quickly to increase the number of jobs. Decent work is an important component to help reduce poverty and improve the welfare of Indonesian society. We have a target to quadruple the number of jobs by 2024.

The National Creative Economy Movement (Gekrafs) collaborates with the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga , coordinated by the Center for Entrepreneurship and Industrial Relations (PKRI) FEB UNAIR, chaired by Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE., M.Sc. and the Entrepreneur Business Society (WEBS) FEB UNAIR Workshop held a Digital Marketing Training Program for MSMEs, the Indonesian Tourism Village Association (Asidewi), lecturers and students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) (02/09/2022), to foster the fighting spirit of young creative economy drivers/MSMEs, to never give up, continue to be willing to learn, dare to face risks, continue to be innovative, have competitiveness, so that they are able to create new jobs.

Present at the event was the Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, BBA., MBA (as well as the Board of Trustees of the National Creative Economy Movement/Gekrafs), who directly provided tips for MSMEs/young creative economy drivers in East Java, in the recovery of the creative economy in Indonesia. In making the vision a success Indonesia Gold 2045,  

According to Sandiaga Uno, "Generation Z must have 3S, where the first S is up-skilling, re-skilling and new-skilling to advance the creative economy in Indonesia." And other tips given by Sandiaga Uno, "If you want to be successful, you must be innovative, adaptive and collaborative. If you want to be successful, you have to dare to take risks. If you want to be successful, you have to build relationships and network. If you want to be successful, you have to hone your soft skills. If you want to be successful, you must have the 4 As, namely Hard Work, Smart Work, Complete Work and Sincere Work."

In supporting the development of digital marketing in MSMEs, Mr. DR. Edgar Noya Cosa Aranda from the National Creative Economy Movement (Gekrafs) also provided knowledge about digital marketing and branding on social media to MSMEs, teaching staff and students at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga . In his material session, Mr Edgar stated that "Start from 0 Rupiah to do business". He stated that businesses do not always have to spend huge amounts of capital. However, with capital starting from 0 rupiah we can start a business by becoming a dropshipper. 


To close the event, Universitas Airlangga and the National Creative Economy Movement (Gekrafs) handed over souvenirs to Mr. Sandiaga Uno as a sign of gratitude for participating in the Digital Marketing Training program for MSMEs and students. Followed by Mr. Sandiaga Uno visiting the MSME display that came and inviting the MSMEs to take photos together while showing their products. This aims to help and support MSMEs in marketing their products so that the economy in Indonesia, especially the creative economy, can improve.


  Photo with one of the MSMEs and their products

Presentation of souvenirs by the Chancellor and Dean of FEB UNAIR

Let's succeed together!
Synergizing with the heart, for Printing, Quality and Competitive Creative Economic Human Resources

Greetings from Us Ksatriya Airlangga,