In order to realize quality education, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), held a Coordination Meeting on the Structured Internship Program - MBKM, (22/8/2022) which was also continued with the Implementation Agreement Signing Process, between the Regional Secretariat of the City of Surabaya and FEB UNAIR, regarding the Implementation of the Public Service Innovation Program and ASN Workload for the Surabaya City Government”, from the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd floor FEB UNAIR, (23/8/2022).

Coordination Meeting between the FEB UNAIR Team (bottom) and the Team from the Surabaya City Government Organizational Sector (top), 22/8/2022. 


The process of signing the Implementation Agreement was carried out by: Dean of FEB UNAIR – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. and Regional Secretary of Surabaya City - Ir. Hendro Gunawan, MA.

This Structured Internship Program - MBKM collaboration was initiated to build synergy, so that together they contribute to the country. The Surabaya City Government hopes that through this Structured Internship Program - MBKM (with a load of 20 credits/semester), students will get the opportunity to learn more closely about the management of the Surabaya City Government, especially in the Organizational Sector of the Surabaya City Government, where students are expected to play an active role/be directly involved. in the field to collect data, observe, then analyze, and even contribute to the emergence of new innovations that do not yet exist in the region/regional government, sub-district and sub-district. In other words, it is hoped that students will be able to implement the knowledge they have gained, students can improve their hard skills and soft skills, and are expected to have new capacities to become human resources who are ready for the future, build relationships with Independent Campus partners, and become future leaders. who values ​​diversity and respects other people.

Through this Program (Structured Internship - MBKM), students have the freedom to explore knowledge directly outside campus, so that quality education can be achieved which will ultimately produce quality graduates, producing SUPERIOR human resources for Indonesia (support for the SDG's 4 Program and 17).

Come on, make MBKM a success.

Let's continue to work together to create quality education, produce quality graduates, superior human resources for Indonesia.