(FEB NEWS) The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, this afternoon received a comparative study visit from the Center for Management and Implementation of Postgraduate Programs at the Open University (UT P4S Center) – South Jakarta, the visit was carried out with the aim of getting an overview, increasing insight and knowledge about Management Management Science Doctoral Study Program at FEB UNAIR, so that in the end it can produce quality graduates, (18/8/2022). 

The team from the UT P4S Center, Dr. Siti Julaeha, MA – Head of the UT P4S Center, and Team: 1. Martino Wibowo, SE, M.Si., Ph.D, and 2. Dr. Ira Geraldina, SE, Ak., MSAk., CA. Also present was the Director of the Surabaya Open University - Dr. Hj. Suparti, M.Pd. The group was welcomed from Tirtodiningrat Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR, by: 1. Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto – Head of the Management Department, FEB UNAIR and Prof. Dr. Tanti Handriana, SE., MSi. – Coordinator of the FEB UNAIR Management Science Doctoral Study Program.

Discussions took place between the two of them very intensely, starting from registration, curriculum, and so on, regarding the various management of the Management Science Doctoral Study Program.

Hopefully the discussion between the two can be useful, that producing quality graduates will also support the achievement of quality education.