(FEB NEWS) Tuesday, 14 June 2022, the Research and Publication Center (3P) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), held an online workshop with the theme "The Art of Modeling: General Spectrum of Modeling Tools".

This Workshop - Free of Charge, was opened by Deputy Dean III FEB UNAIR – Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, by presenting resource person, Dr. Andi M. Alfian Parewangi, SE., ME. – Director of Fundamental Asia, also the Managing External Research Bank Indonesia Institute, and attended by more than 110 audiences consisting of lecturers as well as undergraduate, master's and doctoral study program students. Apart from FEB UNAIR, there were also participants from outside FEB UNAIR, such as from the UNAIR Vocational Faculty and also from UIN Jakarta, who were also interested in attending and actively asking questions in the question and answer session. Present as Moderator, at the workshop, Meri Indri Hapsari, SE., MSi – Lecturer – Department of Sharia Economics FEB UNAIR.

Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, expressed his thanks to Dr. Andi M. Alfian Parewangi, SE., ME. for the opportunity to attend the workshop as well as share knowledge which is very beneficial for the entire FEB UNAIR academic community in improving the quality and quantity of research results or publications. Of course, it will also be very helpful for students in completing their final assignments, theses or dissertations. The workshop activity organized by 3P-FEB UNAIR, is an activity held periodically, which discusses research methodology, according to further explanation by Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi.  

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Dr. Andi M. Alfian Parewangi, SE., ME. really appreciated the holding of the workshop activities by FEB UNAIR, seeing the presence of audiences not only from Surabaya, but from all over Indonesia and even from abroad. Dr. Andi M. Alfian Parewangi, SE., ME., also offered all the audience present to be able to continue research consultations outside the event, but with a target promise from the students, that "the research consulted on must be completed within 3 months".

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The enthusiasm of the audience who asked questions was responded to very clearly and comprehensively by Dr. Andi M. Alfian Parewangi, SE., ME. The audience even hopes that there will be further workshops from Dr. Andi M. Alfian Parewangi, SE., ME., organized by 3P FEB UNAIR, with deeper discussion.

We hope that the workshop organized by the FEB UNAIR Research and Publication Center will provide useful knowledge and blessings for the FEB UNAIR academic community, as well as society in general.

Greetings for the Spirit of Writing, from us, FEB UNAIR!

Quality research, and has a real impact on the development of science and development in Indonesia.

