(FEB NEWS) Monday, March 28 2022 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) again received a comparative study visit, this time from the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram (FEB UNRAM), offline from AULA Tirtodiningrat, Floor 2 - FEB UNAIR .

The team from FEB UNRAM consists of 6 people, led directly by Deputy Dean I - FEB UNRAM – Diswandi, SE., MSc., Ph.D., whose members are: 1.) Head of the Department of Economics, Development Studies - Dr. Luluk Fadliyanti, SE., M.Si; 2.) Head of the Management Department - Dr. Baiq Handayani Rinuasatuti, SE, MM.; 3.) Chair of the Accounting Department - Baiq Anggun Hilendri Lestari, SE., Ak., M.Si., 4.) Chair of the FEB UNRAM Quality Assurance Group - Animah, SE, M.Si. And; 5.) Quality Assurance Staff - Nani Sumiarsih, SP


Team from FEB UNRAM, from left to right: 1.) Deputy Dean I - FEB UNRAM – Diswandi, SE., MSc., Ph.D.; 2.) Head of the Accounting Department - Baiq Anggun Hilendri Lestari, SE., Ak., M.Sc.; 3.) Head of the Department of Economics, Development Studies - Dr. Luluk Fadliyanti, SE., M.Si; 4.) Head of the Management Department - Dr. Baiq Handayani Rinuasatuti, SE, MM., 5.) (2nd row, from left) Chair of the FEB UNRAM Quality Assurance Group - Animah, SE, M.Sc. and 6.) (3rd row) Quality Assurance Staff - Nani Sumiarsih, SP

The delegation from FEB UNRAM was well received by the Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA., accompanied by the deputy deans: 1.) Deputy Dean I - Dr. Vishnu Wibowo; 2.) Deputy Dean II - Dr. Nisful Laila; 3.) Deputy Dean III - Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi; and also the Coordinators of the Undergraduate Study Program (KPS Prodi S1) FEB UNAIR: 1.) KPS Undergraduate Study Program in Development Economics - Rumayya, SE., M. Reg. Dev., Ph.D.; 2.) KPS Bachelor of Management Study Program - Dr. Dien Mardiah, SE., MSi. And; 3.) KPS S1 Accounting Study Program - Alfiyatul Qomariyah, S.Ak., MBA., Ph.D.


FEB UNAIR Team, from Right to left: 1.) Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA.; 2.) Deputy Dean I - Dr. Vishnu Wibowo; 3.) Deputy Dean III - Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi; 4.) Deputy Dean II - Dr. Nisful Laila; 5.) KPS S1 Development Economics Study Program - Rumayya, SE., M. Reg. Dev., Ph.D.; 6.) KPS S1 Accounting Study Program - Alfiyatul Qomariyah, S.Ak., MBA., Ph.D.; and 7.) KPS Bachelor of Management Study Program - Dr. Deen Mardiah. 


Diswandi, SE., MSc., Ph.D., said in his speech that the purpose of FEB UNRAM's visit was to learn about strategies for achieving IKU (Key Performance Indicators) from FEB UNAIR, especially in the 6th IKU; 7th and 8th, so that they can be observed, imitated and modified.


In his response, Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, said that in fact every university must have had a lot of IKU achievements, but of course it will depend on the recording and reporting of the IKU achievements. So that is the "key", according to Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, in achieving IKU, is just "Diligent". Be diligent in documenting and diligent in reporting, as the saying goes, for IKU: "Diligence is the basis of achievement".

Furthermore, Dr. Vishnu Wibowo. said that there are several areas that have the potential to collaborate, as a strategy in achieving IKU, namely: 1.) 2nd IKU, namely MBKM, students doing activities outside campus, 2.) 3rd IKU, namely Lecturers doing activities outside campus, both in the field of teaching, or joint community service, with jointly developed villages, where the output can be something real and impactful, and 3.) 6th IKU, namely the Collaborative Study Program, where the collaboration that exists must be down to the program study, meaning that the study program must be able to collaborate with Business Entities, the Private Sector at the National/International level, or Universities at World Level.


Continuing the statement from Dr. Vishnu Wibowo, then Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, stated that in principle, cooperation documents must support, as the quality assurance tagline says, "doing what is written and writing what is done". "That's what needs to be done," according to Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi. Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, said that Community Service could be an entry point for cooperation, which could also be collaborated with various parties, such as communities in the area, and then forwarded to the field of research.


Meanwhile Dr. Nisful Laila, stated that in achieving IKU, collaboration between 2 (two) or more universities will become easier. Collaboration can be carried out in the form of Community Service, Research and others.


In line with the Deputy Dean I, II and III FEB UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA., stated that FEB UNAIR is very open to continuing collaboration with FEB UNRAM in other areas of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, considering that the collaboration between FEB UNAIR and FEB UNRAM has already been established. has been established for a long time, so that it can become a University, which both contributes SUPERIOR human resources to Indonesia.


Greetings from us, FEB UNAIR

Synergize with the heart, to produce SUPERIOR human resources for Indonesia.

