(FEB NEWS), Wednesday, December 8 2021, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), held an online Public Lecture, with the theme "Financial Planning for the Millennial Generation" which is a form of collaboration between BNI Life - Universitas Airlangga , and The aim is to provide literacy to the Campus Community (FEB UNAIR), in the field of finance, especially insurance.

Present as a speaker at the event was Mr. Eben Eser Nainggolan - Finance Director of BNI Life. According to Aben Eser, this program is in line with regulations/regulators from the Financial Services Authority (OJK), to continue to provide financial literacy to the entire community, especially the campus community at FEB UNAIR.  


Eben Eser Nainggolan – Director of Finance – BNI Life, in presenting his material at the online Public Lecture event, taking the theme "Financial Planning for the Millennial Generation" which is a form of collaboration between BNI Life - Universitas Airlangga , Wednesday, December 8 2021.

From FEB UNAIR, Dr. Wisnu Wibowo – Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR. In his speech, Dr. Wisnu Wibowo is of course very happy and welcomes the presence of BNI Life in providing enlightenment/understanding/literacy for students, most of whom are millennials, undergraduate and graduate level students aged between 20 - 30 years.  


Dr. Wisnu Wibowo – Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR, in his speech at the online Public Lecture event, with the theme "Financial Planning for the Millennial Generation" which is a form of collaboration between BNI Life - Universitas Airlangga , Wednesday, December 8 2021.

According to Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, the millennial generation is a generation that is characterized as a generation with a very dynamic life, and because of this dynamic it has a tendency to be more consumptive, wasteful, not thinking about how to invest, let alone thinking about tomorrow which is full of uncertainty, often even trapped in the wrong investment (canned/fake). It could be said that the dynamic financial life of millennials is often not balanced with an adequate level of financial literacy. For this reason, the presence of BNI Life was very welcomed by FEB UNAIR, to be able to introduce various products, various schemes, which could be a vehicle for the younger generation, including millennials, to have high awareness in managing their lives in the future.  

Dr. Wisnu Wibowo also hopes that in the future it will not only be possible to introduce products, but also insights into the world of work. FEB UNAIR will be very open in the future, with BNI Life to establish a collaborative synergy, with what Mas Minister, calls MBKM (Freedom to Learn – Independent Campus), so that FEB UNAIR students can be accepted to do internships at BNI Life, with clear schema status and can be converted into Semester Credit Units (credits) and/or achievement of competence in preparing reports that can be converted as a thesis. This will certainly be beneficial for the campus, as a form of accountability to stakeholders, then for students and also BNI Life itself , or all FEB UNAIR strategic partners, in the business world, including in the financial sector.

FEB UNAIR will look forward to future forms of productive collaboration with BNI Life, so that we can grow and develop together for the progress of an increasingly just and civilized Indonesia.

The Public Lecture event, which was attended by around 85 students from undergraduate and graduate programs, went smoothly and was welcomed enthusiastically by students, as evidenced by the material presented by Eben Eser, (regarding the importance of planning, due to limitations, and also targets from human factors, -factors causing failure in planning, planning stages, types of insurance, also terms in insurance), many students are interested in knowing how to invest safely, interested in investing but the monthly money is uncertain, and how to the insurance application process can be approved.


Question and answer session, at the online Public Lecture event, with the theme "Financial Planning for the Millennial Generation" which is a form of collaboration between BNI Life - Universitas Airlangga , Wednesday, December 8 2021.


Hopefully, this public lecture can provide insight for all of us and that existing cooperation can be improved into positive forms of cooperation so that we can grow and develop together, for the wider benefit of the nation and country - Indonesia.

Greetings from us, Ksatia Airlangga