Taiwan FEB Unair titleThe International Conference on Future Healthcare and Economic Development is a series of international conference activities organized by National Cheng Kung University together with the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan on 5-9 August 2018. On this occasion, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga sent two delegates, namely Dr. . Nisful Laila. SE., M.Com. (Deputy Dean III, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga ) and Baru Arie Fianto, SE., MBA, Ph.D. ( Faculty Ambassador , Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga ). Dr. Nisful Laila and Bayu Arie Fianto, Ph.D had the opportunity to present the results of their research on the fourth day of the conference.

Taiwan FEB Unair 5 9 August 2018

Dr. Nisful Laila and Bayu Arie Fianto, Ph.D. raised the topic of Social Fund and Healthcare: Evidence from Indonesia. Starting from the background of the problem of poverty which is still faced by the majority of the population in Indonesia, Islam has several potential social instruments that have not been widely developed, namely zakat and waqf. His research focuses on waqf as a solution to solving the problem of poverty in Muslim-majority countries, especially Indonesia. Waqf is property donated for the benefit and benefit of society.

Taiwan FEB Unair 2

Waqf instruments in relation to health care can help develop public health service infrastructure in Indonesia and their use can help Indonesian health institutions. In this international conference on health and economic development in the future, Dr. Nisful Laila discussed it with the participants guided by Prof. Fong-Chin Su from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. Bayu Arie Fianto, Ph.D actively participated in the discussion and added that waqf must be managed in such a way with proper management so that it can produce sustainable benefits. (baf)