The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , succeeded in obtaining a research grant and increasing village financial accountability as part of the Center of Excellence Development program at the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP). This project is part of the State Accountability Revitalization (STAR) program.

Present at the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) were the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tjahjo Kumolo and the Head of BPKP Ardan Adiperdana. One of these MOUs involves Universitas Airlangga (represented by the director of finance, Dr. Ardianto, SE., MSi) and the governor of East Java (represented by the assistant community welfare secretary for the East Java region, Dr. H. Shofwan , SH, M.Sc. )– the regional government of Gresik (represented by the deputy regent, Dr. H. Moh. Qosim, M.Si), Situbondo (represented by the Regent, H. Dadang Wigiarto, SH) and Nganjuk (represented by the secretary of PMD Gresik , Drs. Eko Sutrisno) . The contents of this MOU are that Universitas Airlangga is entrusted with conducting research on the implementation of village financial systems, workshops, and assistance in village financial management with village financial system applications (siskeudes) in Gresik, Situbondo and Nganjuk Regencies.

Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo also welcomed this program and MoU. According to him, to create a clean bureaucracy and strengthen government accountability, synergy with universities is needed.


Head of BPKP Ardan Adiperdana said that state financial management and effective supervision were determining factors in creating good public governance . In this context, increasing the professionalism of state financial management employees and government internal supervision apparatus (PKN-APIP) is something that needs attention. For this reason, the Government, in this case the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) with the support of Loan Number 2927-INO from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) through the State Accountability Revitalization (STAR) program, among other things, is trying to increase the capacity of village officials (PTPKD).


According to the Head of BPKP, Ardan Adiperdana, STAR is an activity initiated by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to support strengthening state accountability. STAR carries out a difficult task, in particular to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the financial management and supervision functions of the public sector, through strengthening government institutions/institutions that carry out financial management and supervision of the public sector, including village financial managers. (zen)