FEB UNAIR SEPTEMBER 2024(FEB News) The Lecturer Team of the Sharia Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga held a community service at the Penanggungan Village Hall, Trawas District, Mojokerto Regency. The event was held on Saturday, September 7, 2024. The activity was a program of the community service of the Mandate of the Faculty of Business Economics for each department.

In the implementation of the event, there were three lecturers who provided training materials to participants who were Fatayat and Muslimat NU recitation mothers. The Chairperson of Community Service, Dr. Fatin Fadhilah Hasib, SE., M.Si said, "We provide 3 types of training to mothers. First, training related to Islamic family financial literacy by myself. Then we provide training to develop the interest of the entrepreneurship of mothers delivered by Dr. Ari Prasetyo, SE., M.Si., Secretary of the Pioneering and Incubation Business Development Agency (BPBRIN) Universitas Airlangga . And finally is training related to halal certification by Mrs. Meri Indri Hapsari, SE., M.Si., Ph.D. " In addition to the three speakers, there were 3 team members who were also involved in this community service process, namely Prof. Dr. Sri Herianingrum, SE., M.Si., Dr. Imron Mawardi, SE., M.Si., Annisa Rahma Febriyanti, S.EI., M.Sei.
The reason for giving the three types of training is because it adjusts to the problems experienced by Fatayat mothers and NU Muslimat in Penanggungan Village. "Mothers have an important role in the household as a financial manager or household treasurer. Islamic family financial science is rarely taught at school, even though its implementation is a lifetime, so this is crucial to be given to mothers. " Dr. Fatin Fadhilah Hasib.
During the training, Fatayat and Muslimat NU mothers seemed enthusiastic and some mothers also asked questions to the speakers. The team from Airlangga Unair tries to explore the potential of mothers who can be used for jointly managed business planning. Dr. Ari stated, "Business starts from what is around us and what we like." Mothers began to discuss related to the potential of commodities that can be processed into business products.
In addition to training related to business and family finances, recitation mothers also received training related to halal certification. Halal certification is important to increase the added value of a product. Some mothers already have a private business, but have not been halal certified. The existence of this training provides insight to mothers, especially those who have a business to apply for halal certification. Presenters of Mrs. Meri Indri Hapsari, Ph.D. also provides tutorials relating to the submission of halal certification digitally through the Sihalal account.
Dr. Fatin hopes that this activity does not end only in training, but also assistance related to business practices. "If mothers already have a business that is managed in the Fatayat and Muslimat NU organizations, we hope to be able to continue with the assistance of sustainable business management and assist the entire process of obtaining halal certification." In addition, this activity is also linear with the application of sustainable development goals, namely eliminating poverty and implementing gender equality, where mothers as business managers.