OBE FEBUA IAIAFEBI CURRICULUM WORKSHOP 2(FEB NEWS) The Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) has successfully hosted the OBE Curriculum Implementation Workshop - Permendikbud 53 of 2023. This event, which was held by the Indonesian Association of Accountants Educator Accountants Compartment (IAI KAPd) in collaboration with the Faculty Association Indonesian Economy and Business (AFEBI), taking place for two days on 27-28 August 2024 in the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, FEB UNAIR.

The aim of holding the OBE Curriculum Implementation Workshop - Permendikbud 53 of 2023, is to facilitate educators and academics in understanding and implementing the learning outcomes-based curriculum (Outcome-Based Education/OBE) in accordance with the latest regulations from Permendikbud No. 53 of 2023. Apart from that, this workshop is aimed at strengthening the quality of higher education, especially in the field of accounting, by emphasizing the relevance and readiness of graduates to face challenges in the professional world.

The event opened with an opening speech by the Chair of the AFEBI National Management Board, Prof. Dr. Abd. Rahman Kadir, SE., MSi., CIPM., CWM., CRA., CRP., which was then followed by a keynote speech from the Chairman of the IAI National Management Board, Dr. Ardan Adiperdana, Ak., MBA., CFrA., CA., FCMA., CGMA. The first material presented at this workshop discussed the implementation of Permendikbud 53, which was explained by Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA., Chair of IAI KAPd, with Reskino, SE., Ak., M.Si., Ph.D., CA., CMA., CBA., CDMS. as moderator.

In the next session, material about International Education Standards (IES) was delivered by Prof. Dr. Lindawati Gani, SE., MBA., MM., Ak., CA., FCMA., CGMA., FCPA (Aust.), ASEAN CPA. The third material discussing the OBE-Based Curriculum was presented by BM Purwanto, MBA., Ph.D. from FEB Gadjah Mada University, with Dr. Wisnu Wibowo - Vice Dean I FEB UNAIR, as moderator.

On the second day, there was a Workshop on the Integration of OBE into the Branches of Science, and continued with the Measurement and Intervention Rubric, which was also delivered by BM Purwanto. Through this workshop, it is hoped that universities, especially the Faculty of Economics and Business, can be better prepared to implement a curriculum that is adaptive, innovative and relevant to future needs. This is in line with the government's efforts to improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia and produce graduates who are competent and ready to face global challenges.